CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches

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CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches


CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches


CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches

Ethics trainings are not all created equal.  Recovery Coaches need an understanding of ethics that differs from those of clinicians due to their unique role while guiding someone through their own recovery process.

Recovery coaching as a peer-to-peer recovery support services has grown exponentially over the past few years. The issue of ethical considerations has been discussed in many circles yet formal training has been lacking for recovery coaches. This 16 hour training addresses this critical need. Based on the widely used Ethical Guidelines for the Delivery of Peer-based Recovery Support Services by William White and PRO-ACT (2007), we designed this training to help coaches, and anyone else working in the peer role, to understand how critical it is to be ethically responsible.  Using presentations, small group work, and role play  to address many areas including: defining the coaching service role and functions, coaching standards, issues of vulnerability, ethical decision making, performance enhancement and legal issues.  This course will help Recovery Coaches maintain good boundaries when serving others. 

Participants who complete this training will:

  • Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services

  • Learn how to stay in your lane as a recovery coach

  • Understand the decision making process

  • Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions

  • Apply the new learning to your every day work as a RC

Zoom Technology Requirements


A desktop computer or laptop with a web cam with mic & audio capability is required to attend.

Screen Size: You must use a computer for this course, phones and tablets are not acceptable. Computers with minimum screen size of 13”. External monitors are beneficial for increased interaction.

If you have any questions about this training, please complete the form on our Contact page or send an email to No refunds are available for this training session, funds will be applied to a future training hosted by Mainstream Recovery.