Market Street Mission - March 2025 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CPRS Course
Market Street Mission - March 2025 Certified Peer Recovery Specialist CPRS Course
Sale Price:$800.00 Original Price:$1,150.00
Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
A peer provider (e.g., certified peer specialist, peer support specialist, recovery coach) is a person who uses his or her lived experience of recovery from addiction, plus skills learned in formal training, to deliver services in various settings to promote mind-body recovery and resiliency.
Recovery Coaching is a form of strength-based supports for persons in or seeking recovery from alcohol and other drugs, and other addictions. Similar to life and business coaching, Recovery Coaching is a type of partnership where the person in or seeking recovery self directs his/her recovery while the coach provides expertise in supporting successful change. Recovery Coaching focuses on achieving any goals important to the individual. Recovery Coaches work with individuals beyond recovery initiation through stabilization and into recovery maintenance. They function as a guide to help with decision making and support steps toward recovery. Recovery Coaches do not provide clinical services -- (primary treatment for addiction, diagnosis) and recognize that there are many pathways to recovery. (OASAS)
Peer recovery support services have been underutilized in our system for far too long. We are now beginning to see implementation of trained peers (Recovery Coaches, Recovery Specialists, Peer Navigators) in various settings throughout our communities. We have recovery coaches working in hospital emergency departments, in police departments, municipal courts, jails, prisons, community centers, the children's system of care, recovery high schools, collegiate recovery programs, recovery homes, drug courts, and more.
Mainstream Recovery is working to develop and strengthen the peer work force to ensure that peers are infused in every setting that overlaps with addiction.
Our CPRS Certified Peer Recovery Specialist training utilizes the CCAR curriculum. Combining the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy with the CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches, individuals meet the 46 hour training requirement for the state credential. This training provides individuals the skills & education they need to help those in the early stages of recovery. The two trainings are described in full below.
The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© is a 30 hour intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills needed to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© prepares participants by helping them to actively listen, ask really good questions, and discover and manage their own stuff.
CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© participants will learn:
-Recovery Coach role and functions
-The components, core values and guiding principles of recovery
-Build skills to enhance relationships
-Explore many dimensions of recovery of recovery and recovery coaching
-Discover attitudes about self disclosure and sharing your story
-Understand the stages of recovery
-Describe the stages of change and their applications
-Increase their awareness of culture, power and privilege
-Address ethical and boundaries issues
-Experience recovery wellness planning
-Practice newly acquired skills
CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches
Ethics trainings are not all created equal. Recovery Coaches need an understanding of ethics that differs from those of clinicians due to their unique role while guiding someone through their own recovery process.
Recovery coaching as a peer-to-peer recovery support services has grown exponentially over the past few years. The issue of ethical considerations has been discussed in many circles yet formal training has been lacking for recovery coaches. This 16 hour training addresses this critical need. Based on the widely used Ethical Guidelines for the Delivery of Peer-based Recovery Support Services by William White and PRO-ACT (2007), we designed this training to help coaches, and anyone else working in the peer role, to understand how critical it is to be ethically responsible. Using presentations, small group work, and role play to address many areas including: defining the coaching service role and functions, coaching standards, issues of vulnerability, ethical decision making, performance enhancement and legal issues. This course will help Recovery Coaches maintain good boundaries when serving others.
Participants who complete this training will:
Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services
Learn how to stay in your lane as a recovery coach
Understand the decision making process
Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions
Apply the new learning to your every day work as a RC
Anyone who has lived experience with addiction can attend.
It is not a requirement to be in recovery to attend this training. There is a growing need for trained peers throughout New Jersey. If you are interested in providing support to those in or seeking recovery you should register for this training.Please review the CPRS requirements on the Addiction Certification Board website to see what is needed to receive your state credential.
Upcoming Trainings:
Training Dates and Times listed on flyer